Tournament Rules and Conditions of Entry

FIDE Rules

FIDE Rules apply unless over-ridden by the rules below.

Number of Entries

Entries will be limited to 60 players in total.

In the event of low entry numbers the Open and Intermediate sections may be combined.  However, the total prize fund of £550 will still apply and additional prizes will be introduced.

The organisers reserve the right to refuse entry without explanation.

Refund Policy

Any entrant who withdraws by 9th June 2024 will be entitled to a full refund.  Any entrant who withdraws between 10th June and 20th June inclusive will be entitled to a 50% refund.

Default Time

The default time for a round is 10 minutes.

A player whose opponent does not arrive before the default time will, if possible, be offered a re-pairing against someone in the same section as them. The player will have the following choices:
(1) Accept the re-pairing
(2) Decline the re-pairing, and have a 1 point bye.
The time limit for the re-paired game will be decided on a case-by-case basis but typically will be 10 minutes plus 10 seconds.


There will be a total of 6 rating prizes split between the Open and Intermediate sections (e.g. there may be 2 rating prizes in the Open and 4 rating prizes in the Intermediate OR there may be 3 rating prizes in each section).

The rating prize bands will be decided by the organisers once the entrants are known.  They will be published before the event commences.

Anyone under the age of 18 on 31st August 2023 is eligible for a Junior prize.

In the event of ties, players will share prizes.

Treatment of more than one prize per competitor:

A) Where a player would otherwise be eligible for more than one prize outright (i.e. not shared), they will be awarded the higher of the two prizes and the lower prize will be allocated to the next best eligible performer.

B) Where a player would otherwise be eligible for more than one prize where at least one of those prizes is shared with another player, the organisers may either adopt the approach described in A) above or, if more appropriate, pool the relevant prizes and split them as fairly as possible between the players.  The organisers' decision on the allocation of prizes in these circumstances shall be final.

Rating used for Pairings, Determining Sections and Rating Prizes

Where a player has a June ECF Rapid rating based upon at least 10 games in the 24 months prior to the tournament, this will be used for pairing, determining if a player is eligible to play in the Intermediate Section (1799 and below) and rating prize eligibility.

In the absence of this, the organisers will determine the most appropriate rating based on:

  • the player's original June ECF Rapid Rating
  • original June ECF Standard Rating
  • FIDE Rapidplay Rating
  • FIDE Standard Rating
  • online ratings rapid and blitz ratings and any other relevant information that is available.

It is likely that for the majority of entrants, many of whom do not have an ECF Rapid Rating, the ECF Standard Rating will be used.

The rating determined by the organisers will be used for pairing, determining if a player is eligible to play in the Intermediate Section (1799 and below) and rating prize eligibility. The organiser's decision on the appropriate rating will be final.

Whilst other rating information may be used for pairing, section eligibility and rating prizes purposes, this tournament will only affect your ECF Rapid rating.


Any mobile phone or other mobile device capable of running chess software must be turned off and left on the playing table in plain sight of your opponent before you make your first move and for the duration of the game. Players may be scanned and mobile devices inspected before, during and after games. The penalties will be as follows:

  • If a mobile phone or other mobile device on the table is found to be turned on after the player has made his or her first move, either the game will be forfeited or a warning will be issued at the discretion of the arbiters. A second incidence of this by the same player will automatically result in the forfeit of the game.
  • If a mobile phone or other mobile device is being carried or concealed by a player after they have made their first move, then they will forfeit the game.
  • If there is any evidence that a player has used a device to run chess software whilst playing or if they refuse to fully comply with anti-cheating checks they will be excluded from the tournament.


Players must abide by any COVID restrictions that are in place at the time of the tournament.  Failure to do so will result in expulsion from the tournament without refund.

Parental Responsibility

Parents or guardians are responsible for their children during the tournament. The organisers and helpers are not able to act “in loco parentis” and are not able to take responsibility for any child’s actions, or for the actions of anyone that may affect your child.

Photographs and Data Protection

Photographs will be taken at the event and may be used on this website, the Dorset Chess website, the Dorset Chess Newsletter and the Dorset Junior Chess Newsletter.  By entering you, (the player or in the case of a junior, i.e. under 18 years old, the player's parent or guardian) are consenting to the publication of such photos and your/your child's results in the tournament.

Other than as specified in the paragraph above, your personal details including your address, email address and phone number will NOT be passed to any third party.  Your personal details will be retained to aid in the distribution of prizes and to inform you of future events organised by Ringwood Chess Club.

You may request the deletion of your personal information by contacting the organisers at